Hi there, I've been a solitary, eclectic pagan for about 20 years, off & on. I have always felt the draw of the Goddess & have acknowledged Her even when I really wasn't practicing. I'm not Wiccan & I really don't strictly follow a Celtic or Asatru path. I'm not into a lot of New Age hoo-ha that has infiltrated Paganism. I'm currently reading into the 1734 Tradition & Clan of Tubal Cain. I read books on Traditional Witchcraft, the Occult, The Robert Cochrane Letters, Evan John Jones, Doreen Valiente, Robin Artisson, Peter Paddon. I'm on a few Yahoo groups devoted to these topics, as well as others. I tend to stay away Llewellyn books, as I tend to find them on the "Fluffy" side of things. I'm currently learning all about the lost art of Enchantment through gesture & Visceral Magick. I am also a student of Southern & Appalachian Conjure.
Ok, almost everyday I can be found singing any one of these as go about my day, sometimes I sing them all in a special order. I do have some of these posted on the main page or in My Deities link.
The Earth Is Our Mother
The Earth is our mother, We must take care of her.
The Earth is our mother, We must take care of her.
Hey yanna, ho yanna Hey yan yan
Hey yanna, ho yanna Hey yan yan
The sacred ground we walk upon, With every step we take
The sacred ground we walk upon, With every step we take
Hey yanna, ho yanna Hey yan yan
Hey yanna, ho yanna Hey yan yan
Elemental Chant
The Earth, the air, the fire, the water Return, return, return, return
The Earth, the air, the fire, the water Return, return, return, return
The Earth, the air, the fire, the water Return, return, return, return We All Come From the Goddess/ Hoof and Horn We all come from the Goddess, And to her we shall return.
Like a drop of rain, Flowing to the ocean.
Hoof and horn, Hoof and horn, All that dies shall be reborn.
Corn and grain, Corn and grain, All that falls shall rise again
I hope this helps you if you are new to the Craft or want a little different take on a basic ritual.
Casting the Circle: Place white or appropriately colored candles at the compass points, the altar may beat the center of the circle. A small white or beeswax candle, two larger candles, the censer with unlit incense, the Athamé, a dish of salt, a goblet of water, small cakes or cookies for "cakes and ale," a goblet of wine, an offering dish and any items for work to be done within the cast circle.
Take a short moment, eyes closed, to become "At peace" before standing before the altar.
Light the small candle andwalk toward the east. Light the yellow or white candle from the small candle, saying
"Here I call forth the powers of air from the east, that I may be like the air, unfettered and pure."
Take a moment to remember the air visualization, and to contemplate the meaning of the east, air and freedom before continuing onward.
Light the red or white candle to the south with the small candle saying.
"Here I call forth the powers of fire from the south, that I may be like fire, enduring all hardships to become strengthened."
Recall your own "trials by fire" and contemplate the possibility of more, the meaning of the words spoken is thought on, and the caster continues.
Light the blue or white candle to the west, saying,
"Here I call forth the powers of water, that I may be like water, supporting and protecting all that I encounter,"
Contemplate the water visualization and the meaning of the west in your life.
Move on to the North, lighting the green or white candle, saying
"Here I call forth the power of Earth, that I may be like earth, grounded at all times."
Here ground and think before moving to the east to say.
"Welcome Air, Fire, Water, Earth, shine your light and lend your strength to this my circle to night/day."
Still moving clockwise, return to the altar, and light the incense saying.
"Negative forces begone, you are not welcome here."
Breathe deeply of the incense and banish away negative forces within before circling clockwise thrice with the censer, visualizing hate, jealousy and the like fleeing from the smoke.
Returns to the altar, pick up the Athamé and pick up a measure of salt with its tip. Inserting the tip of the blade into the water saying.
"As man to woman so blade to chalice, I purify this water with love, light and power."
Walk around the circle, sprinkling the salted water about the circle thrice. Returning to the altar,raise the Athamé to the sky and visualize a beam of blue light filling it,walk once around the circle, using the Athamé and its light to "cut" a space between the worlds.
This done, move to the altar and light the two candles.
"Lord and Lady, I invite you to this my worship, that you may look upon my devotions and celebrations and be heartened and strengthened by them."
Turn toward the west and announce.
"Now is my circle cast, unbreakable and without harm. Thus is sacred space decreed, and no act goes unnoticed. So mote it be."
Closing the circle: Thank the Gods for their attentions, snuff their candles. Dismiss individually each element and thank it for lending its strength, Walk around the circle, drawing the blue light back into the Athamé, breathe deep, and take some of the power back. A closing statement usually follows, ending in,
"The Circle is open, but ever unbroken...So mote it be."
This is a spell I found in my BOS for releasing anger. Anger can be caused from many things: any type of abuse to anger towards another who hurt you.
For this ritual, you will need some quiet time, a red candle, a black or a white candle, paper and writing implements, a container in which to burn paper, and matches. Any other symbols, magickal gear, or acoutrements you wish to bring to the ritual are yours to choose; I'm just presenting the bare bones.
Once you have gathered your stuff and set up your quiet space, you will want to call in a circle to protect yourself, and to protect others from the energies you plan to release.
Face the east, and call upon the air to help you express your rage clearly, to help you focus mentally while you release your emotions safely within the circle.
Face the south, and call upon fire to help your rage burn up and out of you, burning away the past and the trauma that has enraged you.
Face the west, and call upon the water to help your emotions flow freely within the circle, cleansing your spirit and restoring yourself.
Face the north, and call upon the earth to allow you to safely ground your rage, and to sustain and support your through the releasing process.
As you call in the directions, visualize a circle of white light forming around your working space, shielding you and protecting you with the elements you've called in.
(I have sometimes found that it also helps to call upon the archangels to further strengthen the circle--Raphael for east, Michael for south, Gabriel for west, and Uriel for north--if your beliefs trend that way.)
Then when you feel the circle is secure, call upon the Higher Powers in whatever form you relate to them to work with you and shield you through the course of the ritual.
Now, light the red candle. By its light, begin to write or draw what it is that is enraging you, whether it be some form of emotional abuse that trashed your worth as a person, sexual abuse that made you into an object, physical abuse that broke your body's connection with your mind, or whatever. Focus on making the issues clear to yourself and the Higher Powers that you've called in. Focus on how the actions made *you* feel, not on the other person's guilt or motivations, or on revenge on the other person. (You can do this part ahead of time, if you want. Blame may be necessary for some folks, but until you release the rage within, I feel that you cannot assess blame remembered and felt out of your abusive relationship, being rationally and safely.)
Next, hold the paper between your hands, focus your awareness on the red candle, and begin to chant, shout, scream, or make whatever sounds help you to feel the rage come up and leave you. Send the rage into the red candle. Focus your rage on the red candle, watching the flames burn brighter and hotter as the force of your anger fuels them. When you feel that you've released the red rage as much as you can, light the papers on which you've drawn or written your problem and drop them into the container so they can burn out. (Do remember to put something under the container to protect the surface it rests on--I did this ritual a couple of months ago and almost caught my thumb on fire.)
After the papers have begun to burn down, light the black or white candle. (The choice of color depends on how you wish to focus on restoring yourself--black represents the energy of transformation and white represents an energy of peace and purification.) Focus on what you'd like to replace the rage with--peace, self-esteem, happiness, or whatever. Let the energy of the new emotions fill you up. Write or draw on a new piece of paper those things that you want to find in yourself and your life now that you've released the poisonous rage that was holding you back. You could even take the ashes from the burnt paper and write the name of the emotion on a new piece of paper to help you focus. Feel the healing begin.
When you are comfortably calm again, release the energy of the circle. Visualize it sinking back into the earth as you thank the elements at each direction for watching over you. Thank the Higher Powers for their insight and help. Let the candles burn completely out.
Samhain is a time to do some serious divination - it's the time of year when the veil between our world and that of the spirits is at its thinnest, and that means it's the perfect season to look for messages from the metaphysical. Scrying is one of the best known forms of divination, and can be done in a variety of ways. Basically, it's the practice of looking into some sort of reflective surface -- such as water, fire, glass, dark stones, etc. -- to see what messages, symbols, or visions may appear. A scrying mirror is a simple black-backed mirror, and it's easy to make one yourself.
To make your scrying mirror, you'll need the following:
A clear glass plate
Matte black spray paint
Additional paints (acrylic) for embellishment
To prepare the mirror, first you'll need to clean it. Use any glass cleaner, or for a more earth-friendly method, use vinegar mixed with water. Once the glass is clean, flip it over so that the back side is facing up. Lightly spray with the matte black spray paint. For the best result, hold the can a couple of feet away, and spray from side to side. If you hold the can too close, the paint will pool, and you don't want this. As each coat dries, add another coat. After five to six coats, the paint should be dense enough that you can't see through the paint if you hold the glass up to a light.
Once the paint has dried, turn the glass right side up. Use your acrylic paint to add embellishments around the outer edge of the plate -- you can add symbols of your tradition, magical sigils, or even your favorite saying. The one in the photo says, "Thee I invoke by the moonlit sea, the standing stone, and the twisted tree." Allow these to dry as well. Your mirror is ready for scrying, but before you use it, you may want to consecrate it as you would any other magical item.
If your tradition normally requires you to cast a circle, do so now. If you'd like to play some music, start your cd player. If you'd like to light a candle or two, go ahead, but be sure to place them so that they don't interfere with your line of vision. Sit or stand comfortably at your workspace. Begin by closing your eyes, and attuning your mind to the energy around you. Take some time to gather that energy.
When you are ready to begin scrying, open your eyes. Position yourself so that you can look into the mirror. Stare into the glass, looking for patterns, symbols or pictures -- and don't worry about blinking, it's fine if you do. You may see images moving, or perhaps even words forming. You may have thoughts pop spontaneously into your head, that seem to have nothing at all to do with anything. Perhaps you'll suddenly think about someone you haven't seen in decades. Use your journal, and write everything down. Spend as much time as you like gazing into the mirror -- it may be just a few minutes, or even an hour. Stop when you begin to feel restless, or if you're getting distracted by mundane things.
When you are finished gazing into the mirror, make sure you have recorded everything you saw, thought and felt during your scrying session. Messages often come to us from other realms and yet we frequently don't recognize them for what they are. If a bit of information doesn't make sense, don't worry -- sit on it for a few days and let your unconscious mind process it. Chances are, it will make sense eventually. It's also possible that you could receive a message that's meant for someone else -- if something doesn't seem to apply to you, think about your circle of family friends, and who the message might be meant for.
The witch bottle is a magical tool that has been reported in use for centuries. In early times, the bottle was designed as a way to protect oneself from malicious witchcraft and sorcery. In particular, around the time of Samhain, homeowners might create a witch bottle to keep evil spirits from entering the home on Hallow's Eve. The witch bottle was usually made of pottery or glass, and included sharp objects such as pins and bent nails. It typically contained urine as well, belonging to the homeowner, as a magical link to the property and family within. In 2009, an intact witch bottle was found in Greenwich, England, and experts have dated it back to around the seventeenth century.
Around the Samhain season, you may want to do a little bit of protective magic yourself, and create a witch bottle of your own. The general idea of the witch bottle is to not only protect yourself, but send back the negative energy to whoever or whatever is sending it your way. You'll need the following items:
A small glass jar with lid
Sharp, rusty items like nails, razor blades, bent pins
Sea salt
Red string or ribbon
A black candle
Fill the jar about halfway with the sharp, rusty items. These were used to deflect bad luck and ill fortune away from the jar. Add the salt, which is used for purification, and finally, the red string or ribbon, which was believed to bring protection. When the jar is halfway filled, there are a couple of different things you can do, depending on whether or not you're easily repulsed.
One option is to fill the remainder of the jar with your own urine - this identifies the bottle as belonging to you. However, if the idea makes you a bit squeamish, there are other ways you can complete the process. Instead of urine, use a bit of wine. You may wish to consecrate the wine first before using it in this manner. In some magical traditions, the practitioner might choose to spit in the wine after it's in the jar because -- much like the urine -- this is a way of marking the jar as your territory.
Cap the jar, and make sure it's sealed tightly (particularly if you used urine - you don't want any accidental spillage), and seal it with wax from the black candle. Black is considered handy for banishing negativity. If you're having trouble finding black candles, you may want to use white instead, and imagine a white ring of protection surrounding your witch bottle. Also, in candle magick, white is typically considered a universal substitute for any other color candle.
Now - where to stash your bottle? There are two schools of thought on this, and you can decide which one works best for you. One group swears that the bottle needs to be hidden somewhere in the home - under a doorstep, up in a chimney, behind a cabinet, whatever -- because that way, any negative magic aimed at the house will always go straight to the witch bottle, avoiding the people in the home. The other philosophy is that the bottle needs to be buried as far away from the house as possible, so that any negative magic sent towards you will never reach your home in the first place. Whichever one you choose, be sure that you're leaving your bottle in a place where it will remain undisturbed permanently.
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