Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Casting a Ritual Circle

Casting circle requires that we reenact creation. It takes the tools on the altar and empowers them as the elements of creation - earth air fire water and spirit. Combining them creates the womb of life (water/chalice and salt/earth) and the spark of creation (blade/will and air/consciousness). The element of Spirit may be our Gods or it may be our own divine spark. Together they create the circle of life and our sacred space.

Light the incense and say:
Blessed be thou creature of Air.

Fill chalice with water or red wine, hold up to sky and say:
Blessed Be thou creature of Water.

Pick up dish of salt and hold up to sky and say:
Blessed Be thou creature of Earth.

Pick up athame with right hand (two fingers extended) and say:
Blessed Be thou creature of Fire.

With athame mix three blades/pinches of salt into the chalice. With left hand pick up chalice (feminine principle). Stir with athame (masuline principle) and say:

Salt and Water, Inner and Outer, Body and Soul, Be cleansed!
Cast out all that is harmful! Take in all that is good and healing!
By the Powers of the Triple Goddess! By the Powers of the Dual God!
So Mote it be.

Using the athame sprinkle the altar and the tools with the blessed water saying:

May this athame be purified.
May these tools and this altar be purified and consecrated.

Take up the chalice. Visualize energy and thoughts as a stream pouring from your third eye into the water. When there are no more, picture the blessed water transforming the water into an intense blue. The blue glows. When the blue radiance is bright, sip of the water and feel the radiance within you. This is now the pure Waters of Life.

Blessed Be!

Optional: You may use the salt water to purify those entering into the in the circle. Sprinkle some on their crown chakra...

Be purified for this ritual.

Now that you have the tools of creation you may use them to create your sacred space - a place of balance between our world and the divine world.

Pick up the athame and trace the circle clockwise. This is your sacred area. Visualize energy - your will - running out of your hand and through the tip of the athame creating a protective sphere of energy.

As you stop at each Watchtower you invoke the corresponding elemental guardian. Use your energy as a silent call to the powers of that element (Guardians or Elementals) to protect and watch over you.

Face East. Raise Athame to the sky, trace an East invoking pentagram with athame…

Hail, Guardians of the Watchtowers of the East
Powers of Air, I invoke you and call you.
Rising sun of hope, come!
By the air that is Her breath, send forth Your light!
Be with me now!

Trace circle in air to the South, trace a South invoking pentagram with athame…

Hail, Guardians of the Watchtowers of the South
Powers of Fire, I invoke you and call you.
Flaming ones, Spark of life, come!
By the fire that is Her spirit, send forth Your flame
Be with me now!

Trace circle in air to the West, trace a West invoking pentagram with athame…

Hail, Guardians of the Watchtowers of the West
Powers of Water, I invoke you and call you.
Whelming waves, water of life, come!
By the waters of the Living Womb, send forth Your flow
Be with me now!

Trace circle in air to the North, trace a North invoking pentagram with athame…

Hail, Guardians of the Watchtowers of the North
Powers of Earth, Cornerstone of all power I invoke and call you.
Fertile field, towering mountain come!
By the earth that is Her body, send forth Your strength
Be with me now!

(Complete the circle)

Place the athame on the altar. Pick up the chalice trace circle again draw invoking pentagram at each Power

With salt and water I purify the east/south/west/north

Place chalice on altar and pick up incense. Trace circle a last time. Draw invoking pentagrams at each Power

With fire and air I charge the east/south/west/north

Place incense on altar.

The universe is a balanced place. Of Birth and Death, of Male anf Female. The circle is complete when both potentials are present. We see this as calling in the Divine which used the elements of creation to give birth and at the same time was creator of the elements.

Approach the main altar and pickup up the athame in right hand and the Wand in left hand.

    Great Eternal Mother,
    Source of all Life,
    Earth and Center of the Universes,
    Hear the voice of one who loves you.

    Be with me, Wise Mother
    Teach me Your secret wisdom
    Hold me in Your star swept arms
    Infuse me with the power of Your all-loving spirit
    I die, I am born with You, and I die
    The cycle never ceases, and so I am fulfilled

    Join me in this Circle. Guide my heart and mind to union with You
    I call You Mother of All, be with me now!

    Gentle Dummuzi,
    God of Life and Sacrifice
    who dies each year that we might be nourished,
    Son and lover of the Mother,
    Hear the voice of one who loves You.

    Be with me Eternal Father
    Teach me Your compassion.
    Protector and warrior; keep me safe from harm
    Send us the grain from the fields and the rain from the clouds
    Infuse me with the power of Your all-loving spirit and so I am fulfilled.

    Guard me in this Circle. Guide my heart and mind to union with You.
    I call You Gentle God, be with me now!
    Blessed Be

Light the candle in the cauldron (this represents the prescence of spirit)

I am between worlds and between time.
Where life and Death,Day and Night, Joy and Sorrow
Meet as One.
The circle is cast,
The fire is lit,
The ritual is begun.


Thank the Lord and Lady: Approach the altar and state the following:

Lady and Lord,source of all, I thank you
For Your presence,
For Your circle,
For light and love,
For this night of change.
I ask Your blessing as You depart.
Blessed Be!

Extinguish the spirit candle.

Dismiss the Watchtowers: Go to each direction and state the following while taking down Circle

Hail and farewell Guardians of the Watchtowers of the East ,South, West, North
Powers of Air, Fire, Water, Earth, I thank you for joining this Circle
I ask Your blessings as you depart
May there be peace between us, now and forever. Blessed Be!

Opening circle: Gather all participants together, grasp hands and state the following

The circle is open, but unbroken
May the peace of the Goddess
Go in my(our) heart(s)
Merry meet, merry met, and merry meet again!
Blessed Be.


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