Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Ye Olde Herbal Names

One Eye of Newt, A dash of Sleepwort, pass the Bloody Fingers? I must finish this brew! Ever hear anything like this, and wonder just where and what people were talking about? Well would you be surprised to know that the things stirred into witches brews of old are still used to this very day? The "code" words for many herbs were used for different reasons. As we all well know Witches were hunted not so very long ago. Unfortunately because of this hysteria many innocent people were hung or burned as witches, Just for what they had growing in their own gardens. For example growing or using Foxglove could get you branded a witch, so many people because of this, began calling the herbs what they most resembled to the naked eye. Below you will find a few Old Herbal names, Craft name comes first, followed by the common name for that herb/flower/root.

Blood - Sap of Elder Tree
Bloody Fingers- Foxglove
Candlemas Maiden -
Candlewick Plant - Mullein
Crown for a King - Wormwood

Dew of the Sea - Rosemary

Dragonwort - Bistort

Earth Smoke - Fumitory
Elfwort - Eclampane
Enchanter's Plant - Vervain

Eye of the Star - Horehound

Eyes - Aster Daisy

Five Finger Grass - Cinquefoil

Joy of the Mountain - Marjoram

Lad's Love - Southernwood

Little Dragon - Tarragon

Love in Idleness - Pansy

Love Parsley - Lovage
Loveroot - Orris *
Maiden's Ruin - Southernwood

Master of the Woods - Woodruff

Masterwort - Angelica
May Lily - Lily of the valley
Mistress of the Night - Tuberose

Password - Primrose

Queen of Meadow - Meadowsweet

Ram's Head - American Valerian

Seven Year's Love - Yarrow

Sleepwort - Lettuce

Sorcerer's Violet - Periwinkle

Star of the Earth - Avens

Starflower - Borage

Starweed - Chickweed

Starwort - Aster

Thousand Seal - Yarrow

Thunder Plant - Houseleek

Unicorn Horn - True Unicorn Root

Wax Dolls - Fumitory

Witch Herb - Mugwort
Witches Asprin - White Willow Bark
Witches Bells - Foxglove

Witches Briar - Briar Hip

Witchgrass - Dog Grass

Witchwood - Rowan


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